UI is on you.
- Create a web app, that will work with ToDo list (add/remove/edit items). Also each item could have its own status (Open, In Progress, Done). So we need to implement a mechanism that allows us to change status of the task.
- Add an ability to filter tasks by status.
- Add an ability to sort items by Creation & Update dates.
Each task must have:
- id
- title
- description
- status
- creation date
- update date
- Rebuild your Homework 1 with Redux
- Add and setup eslint to your project
Create a React App that will be fetching and updating data remotely on the BE.
You need to implement:
- List of goods
- Filter goods by the string (locally)
- Sort goods by the field asc/desc (locally)
- Update item
- Remove Item
- Add Item
Use BE app from https://github.com/Jlexyc/bff-react to run service locally
Make Homework #3 work on Class Components