FoodFight Backend

Backend system supporting collaborative restaurant recommendation app

Made as part of AT&T June 2016 Hackathon (NYC)

For iOS app associated with this backend, look here

Awarded 3rd place

Base URL: ** For demo, running it locally due to Socket.IO issues on Heroku **

Virtual Environment Setup

Run the following arguments to setup the virtual environment necessary to maintain packages

[sudo] pip install # to update virtualenv
virtualenv venv # to create virtualenv 

Once the venv is created, you can activate it by running the following:

source venv/bin/activate 

Once you have activated venv, run the following to install all package requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt

At this point, if you run pip freeze, only packages in requirements.txt should be shown


For environment variable loading, we run autoenv

To set this up, run the following:

deactivate # if you're running your venv
pip install autoenv # to install if you haven't already installed it 
touch .env 

The .env file is where you can declare environment variables specific to this app. These variables are loaded on cd-ing into the directory with the .env file. Your .env file should look like this.

export APP_SETTINGS="sample_settings_string"
export DATABASE_URL="postgresql://localhost/sample_db"

DB Setup

Run the following:

mkdir -p data/db # to setup document directory for MongoDB 
mongod --dbpath data/db