Code written during an Orion Aerospace 21 hour charity live stream

TREAT THIS CODE AS EDUCATIONAL AND NOT FUNCTIONAL... this is not the full code written during the stream but it may help give direction

This code was written during the last few hours of our stream so it is not perfect, but it might serve as a guide. Thanks to everyone who showed up we were able to raise almost $1,000 for St. Jude's Childrens hospital!!!! Big thank you to: --David Nerlove🌔 --Conner Peyton 🚀 --Mark Foster ⭐ --River 🌎 -- Joe Barnard 🌏 --Nedos

Waiver of Liability

This agreement releases Jmack/Orion aerospace from all liability relating to injuries that may occur using this code. By downloading, I agree to hold Jmack/Orion Aerospace entirely free from any liability, including financial responsibility for injuries incurred, regardless of whether injuries are a result of negligence or otherwise.

By downloading or using this code, you forfeit all right to bring a suit against Jmack/Orion aerospace for any reason. You must also obey all necessary safety precautions associated with this activity.