
An opinionated F# Library for error handling

Primary LanguageF#MIT LicenseMIT


FsToolkit.ErrorHandling is a utility library to work with the Result type in F#, and allows you to do clear, simple and powerful error handling.

The library provides utility functions like map, bind, apply, traverse, sequence as well as computation expressions and infix operators to work with Result<'a, 'b>, Result<'a option, 'b>, Async<Result<'a, 'b>>, Async<Result<'a option, 'b>>, and Result<'a, 'b list>.

It was inspired by Chessie and Cvdm.ErrorHandling (the latter has now been merged into FsToolkit.ErrorHandling).

FsToolkit.ErrorHandling targets .NET Standard 2.0 and .NET Framework 4.6.1 and supports Fable.


The documentation is available here.


GitHub Actions
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Build History


Package name Badge
FsToolkit.ErrorHandling NuGet
FsToolkit.ErrorHandling.TaskResult NuGet
FsToolkit.ErrorHandling.JobResult NuGet

Developing locally


  • .NET Core SDK
    • v3.1.200 or higher
    • Install from here.
  • Node
    • v10.15.0 or LTS
    • Not required but recommend that you use NVM to easily manage multiple versions of Node


> build.cmd <optional buildtarget> // on windows
$ ./build.sh  <optional buildtarget>// on unix

A motivating example

This example of composing a login flow shows one example of how this library can aid in clear, simple, and powerful error handling, using just a computation expression and a few helper functions. (The library has many more helper functions and computation expressions as well as infix operators; see the documentation for details.)

// Given the following functions:
//   tryGetUser: string -> Async<User option>
//   isPwdValid: string -> User -> bool
//   authorize: User -> Async<Result<unit, AuthError>>
//   createAuthToken: User -> Result<AuthToken, TokenError>

type LoginError = InvalidUser | InvalidPwd | Unauthorized of AuthError | TokenErr of TokenError

let login (username: string) (password: string) : Async<Result<AuthToken, LoginError>> =
  asyncResult {
    // requireSome unwraps a Some value or gives the specified error if None
    let! user = username |> tryGetUser |> AsyncResult.requireSome InvalidUser

    // requireTrue gives the specified error if false
    do! user |> isPwdValid password |> Result.requireTrue InvalidPwd

    // Error value is wrapped/transformed (Unauthorized has signature AuthError -> LoginError)
    do! user |> authorize |> AsyncResult.mapError Unauthorized

    // Same as above, but synchronous, so we use the built-in mapError
    return! user |> createAuthToken |> Result.mapError TokenErr


Ajira Technologies, India