Assignment Tracker React Refactor

This assignment for the most part was based on the code for my A2 submission, however I used the CSS styling from my A3 submission and did some additional restructuring to make sure the table populates on initial page load, something which my A2 failed to do.

Overall porting this assignment to use React was a mixed bag. It did wind up simplifying the overall code structure in my opinion, and allowed for easier/tighter integration of the HTML and JS. It also made the code for rendering the table dynamically exceptionally less repetitive/verbose. However, there is a bit more of a learning curve and some hiccups to work through that can be tricky to figure out. I worked through several non-intuitive errors as I was trying to debug and make sure everything was working. Some were caused my silly typos and other mistakes on my part, but others (notably issues with binding functions to use this.setState) were very unintuitive to try to figure out what was going on, let alone solve.