
A quick template to get yourself started on your own webpage

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A quick template to get yourself started on your own webpage


First, you need to set this up with GitHub Pages, and it is pretty easy.

If you already have a user webpage:

Then you can go to settings, and scroll down until you find an option for "Source", you just need to set that to "Master"

If you don't yet have a user webpage:

Then just rename this repository to "YOUR_USERNAME.github.io" (Note: do not have that exactly, just insert your username where it says, for example, Jme7.github.io)

Back to the rest of the instructions

Now to give your webpage some content. Just open index.html and that is where the HTML goes. If you do not know html, then look up some couses on it (I suggest Khan academy's tutorial), then return here.

After that, you may want your webpage to hold multple pages, so, to do that, I will present you with an example:

I have a webpage at Jme7.github.io, so I want another page at Jme7.github.io/The Code Spot. To do this, I need to make a file in github called "The Code Spot/index.html". That contains the code for Jme7.github.io/The Code Spot. There is now a folder in my repository called "The Code Spot" and a file in that called "index.html". So now I want more pages, like Jme7.github.io/The Code Spot/Learn.html. To do that, I go into the "The Code Spot" folder, and add a new file called "Learn.html", and put my code there. Got it? You better ;) 😉

P.S. I have two folders called "javascript" and "CSS", so, if you know how to, you can put your javascript and css in there, and just import it in your html files.