
Assignments of Machine Learning course by Andrew Ng

Primary LanguageMatlabMIT LicenseMIT

Machine Learning by Andrew Ng

Assignments of Machine Learning course by Andrew Ng.
Course Website: https://www.coursera.org/learn/machine-learning/home/welcome
Course Wiki: https://share.coursera.org/wiki/index.php/ML:Main


  • MacOS X El Capitan
  • Octave 4.0.0_5 (via homebrew/science)

Install Octave

Possible Issue

1. Plotting

nuplot> set terminal aqua enhanced title "Figure 1"  font "*,6.66667" dashlength 1
         line 0: unknown or ambiguous terminal type; type just 'set terminal' for a list

WARNING: Plotting with an 'unknown' terminal.
No output will be generated. Please select a terminal with 'set terminal'.

$ brew uninstall gnuplot
$ brew install gnu plot —with-x11

2. Font

warning: could not match any font: *-normal-normal-10

[SOLUTION] - http://stackoverflow.com/a/35250118
# should add to ~/.bash_profile
$ export FONTCONFIG_PATH=/opt/X11/lib/X11/fontconfig

3. Black rectangle when print

[SOLUTION] - http://stackoverflow.com/a/29221808
brew switch gnuplot 4.6.6