#Unit 3 Final App Assessment

This part of the assessment contains 5 screens

Screen 1
This screen contains two buttons, one visible and one hidden. Requirements

  • Conform to the protocol created in screen 2 and implement all required methods.
  • Segue to screen 3 (via the hidden button)

Screen 2
This screen contains three buttons: red, green, and blue.


  • Set constraints in the storyboard so that each button takes up equal space within the view (should work landscape)

  • Implement a custom protocol (delegate). This protocol will have a single method for sending a single UIColor from screen 2 to its delegate. Whenever the user selects a color button, the view controller will send the color (either [UIColor redColor], [UIColor greenColor], or [UIColor blueColor]) to its delegate as a parameter. In this situation, the delegate will be screen 1.

    ** When the delegate (screen 1) receives a color, it should set its view's background color. When the correct color is selected the hidden button will appear **

Screen 3
This screen is nothing more than a UITableViewController.


  • Populate the table with random cat facts. The API information is set for you at the top of C4QCatFactsTableViewController.m.
  • Create a custom UITableViewCell with a + button on the right side (asset is already in the project).
  • Save a cat fact in NSUserDefaults when the + button is tapped.
  • The height of the cell should be variable based on the amount of text provided.


  • Present an alert whenever you save a cat fact
  • Change the + button to a checkmark indicating that a fact is already saved

Screen 4
This is a very basic UITableViewController. Nothing more.


  • Display the saved cat facts.

Screen 5
This is a detail view for your cat facts. Tapping on a cell in screen 3 will segue to this screen.


  • Display a random cat photo in full screen in the background (API information is in C4QCatFactsDetailViewController.m).
  • Display the text that corresponds with the cell tapped.
  • The text must be centered vertically and have 40pts space on the left and right.
  • The background image should have a content mode of aspect fill and SHOULD NOT overflow the view (when you go back to the previous screen you shouldn't see part of the image)


  • Load the cat image on a background thread so that it doesn't freeze the UI
  • If the image isn't downloaded by the time you hit the back button, cancel the download task.


  • Remove saved cat facts
  • Don't save duplicate cat facts
  • Change the "add_icon" to a "checkmark_icon" if the article is already saved