Rust Payments Challenge

This is a solution to the Rust Payments Challenge. This program processes transactions from a CSV file and outputs the resulting state on stdout using the CSV format. Errors are written to stderr.

Running with example input file

cargo run -- transactions.csv


A few unit tests have been written for the transaction processing function. They should cover the most important cases. The function writing the clients' account state to stdio is not tested as this would be a bit more complicated due to the account lines' random order, but could definitely be done.

The functions taking input and sending output data respectively use the std::io::Read and a std::io::Write traits to allow for easier testing and more flexibility.

cargo test


For this solution I assumed only deposits and withdrawals could be targeted by a dispute. I also assumed that no transaction can be processed on a locked account.

This solution does not use any unsafe code. Transaction processing errors are considered non-fatal because the instructions said that the partner providing the data may introduce some errors like adding a dispute targeting a non-existing transaction. Errors are written to stderr.

A possible improvement could be to add custom errors that could be processed easier by the caller, instead of just returning a string. This could allow adding more context to an error.

This program is processing data on the fly as much as possible and does not store all transactions in memory but only deposits and withdrawals since they are the only ones that can be refereed to by other transactions.

If this code was to be bundled to a server and would have to process transaction input from multiple sources at the same time then some critical resources would have to be protected from concurrent access. For instance the clients and transactions hash maps.

Since every transaction only targets one client, processing a transaction could trigger a lock for its client only, allowing other transactions targeting other clients to run concurrently. That would only work because every client is independent to each other.