
Text Classification Boilerplate Code (using Huggingface)

Primary LanguagePython



Boilerplate code for Text Classification task. (using Huggingface)


how to train?

python code/huggingface_model/train.py \
    --learning_rate=5e-05 \
    --train_set=TRAIN_DATASET_PATH \
    --valid_set=VALID_DATASET_PATH \
    --device=DEVICE \
    --train_batch_size=64 \
    --valid_batch_size=32 \
    --epochs=5 \
    --save_path=SAVE_PATH \


parameter type description default
base_model_ckpt str base model checkpoint's local path or huggingface hub name -
learning_rate float decise learning rate for train 5e-05
train_set str train dataset path -
valid_set str valid dataset path -
use_focal_loss bool decising use Focal Loss False
use_loss_weight bool decising apply loss_weight False
train_batch_size int batch size for model train 100
valid_batch_size int batch size for model valid 32
dropout_percent float percent value using in dropout 0.2
save_path str base path using for save train model checkpoint -
epochs int epochs using in training 10
warmup_rate float percent for learning-rate warmup 0.2
device str device use in training "cuda"
wandb_project_name str this project's name for wandb initializing "Project"


how to valid?

python code/huggingface_model/valid.py \
    --base_model_ckpt="bert-base-uncased" \
    --selected_finetune_checkpoint=SELECTED_FINETUNE_CHECKPOINT \
    --valid_set=VALID_DATASET_PATH \
    --device=DEVICE \
    --valid_batch_size=32 \


parameter type description default
base_model_ckpt str base model checkpoint's local path or huggingface hub name -
selected_finetune_checkpoint str model checkpoint using for valid -
valid_set str valid dataset path -
use_loss_weight bool decising apply loss_weight False
valid_batch_size int batch size for model valid 32
dropout_percent float percent value using in dropout 0.2
device str device use in training "cuda"

