Simple Neural Machine Translation (Simple-NMT)
This repo contains a simple source code for advanced neural machine translation based on sequence-to-sequence. Most open sources are unnecessarily too complicated, so those have too many features more than people's expected. Therefore, I hope that this repo can be a good solution for people who doesn't want unnecessarily many features.
In addition, this repo is for lecture and book, what I conduct. Please, refer those site for further information.
- LSTM sequence-to-sequence with attention
- Transformer
- Pre-Layer Normalized Transformer
- Rectified Adam
- Reinforcement learning for fine-tuning like Minimum Risk Training (MRT)
- Dual Supervised Learning
- Beam search with mini-batch in parallel
Implemented Optimization Algorithms
Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE)
Minimum Risk Training (MRT)
Dual Supervised Learning (DSL)
- Python 3.6 or higher
- PyTorch 1.6 or higher
- TorchText 0.5 or higher
- PyTorch Ignite
- torch-optimizer 0.0.1a15
I recommend to use corpora from AI-Hub, if you are trying to build Kor/Eng machine translation.
>> python -h
usage: [-h] --model_fn MODEL_FN --train TRAIN --valid VALID --lang
LANG [--gpu_id GPU_ID] [--off_autocast]
[--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [--n_epochs N_EPOCHS]
[--verbose VERBOSE] [--init_epoch INIT_EPOCH]
[--max_length MAX_LENGTH] [--dropout DROPOUT]
[--word_vec_size WORD_VEC_SIZE] [--hidden_size HIDDEN_SIZE]
[--n_layers N_LAYERS] [--max_grad_norm MAX_GRAD_NORM]
[--iteration_per_update ITERATION_PER_UPDATE] [--lr LR]
[--lr_step LR_STEP] [--lr_gamma LR_GAMMA]
[--lr_decay_start LR_DECAY_START] [--use_adam] [--use_radam]
[--rl_lr RL_LR] [--rl_n_samples RL_N_SAMPLES]
[--rl_n_epochs RL_N_EPOCHS] [--rl_n_gram RL_N_GRAM]
[--rl_reward RL_REWARD] [--use_transformer]
[--n_splits N_SPLITS]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--model_fn MODEL_FN Model file name to save. Additional information would
be annotated to the file name.
--train TRAIN Training set file name except the extention. (ex:
train.en --> train)
--valid VALID Validation set file name except the extention. (ex:
valid.en --> valid)
--lang LANG Set of extention represents language pair. (ex: en +
ko --> enko)
--gpu_id GPU_ID GPU ID to train. Currently, GPU parallel is not
supported. -1 for CPU. Default=-1
--off_autocast Turn-off Automatic Mixed Precision (AMP), which speed-
up training.
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE
Mini batch size for gradient descent. Default=32
--n_epochs N_EPOCHS Number of epochs to train. Default=20
= 0, 1, 2. Default=2
--init_epoch INIT_EPOCH
Set initial epoch number, which can be useful in
continue training. Default=1
--max_length MAX_LENGTH
Maximum length of the training sequence. Default=100
--dropout DROPOUT Dropout rate. Default=0.2
--word_vec_size WORD_VEC_SIZE
Word embedding vector dimension. Default=512
--hidden_size HIDDEN_SIZE
Hidden size of LSTM. Default=768
--n_layers N_LAYERS Number of layers in LSTM. Default=4
--max_grad_norm MAX_GRAD_NORM
Threshold for gradient clipping. Default=5.0
--iteration_per_update ITERATION_PER_UPDATE
Number of feed-forward iterations for one parameter
update. Default=1
--lr LR Initial learning rate. Default=1.0
--lr_step LR_STEP Number of epochs for each learning rate decay.
--lr_gamma LR_GAMMA Learning rate decay rate. Default=0.5
--lr_decay_start LR_DECAY_START
Learning rate decay start at. Default=10
--use_adam Use Adam as optimizer instead of SGD. Other lr
arguments should be changed.
--use_radam Use rectified Adam as optimizer. Other lr arguments
should be changed.
--rl_lr RL_LR Learning rate for reinforcement learning. Default=0.01
--rl_n_samples RL_N_SAMPLES
Number of samples to get baseline. Default=1
--rl_n_epochs RL_N_EPOCHS
Number of epochs for reinforcement learning.
--rl_n_gram RL_N_GRAM
Maximum number of tokens to calculate BLEU for
reinforcement learning. Default=6
--rl_reward RL_REWARD
Method name to use as reward function for RL training.
--use_transformer Set model architecture as Transformer.
--n_splits N_SPLITS Number of heads in multi-head attention in
Transformer. Default=8
example usage:
>> python --train ./data/corpus.shuf.train.tok.bpe --valid ./data/corpus.shuf.valid.tok.bpe --lang enko \
--gpu_id 0 --batch_size 128 --n_epochs 30 --max_length 100 --dropout .2 \
--word_vec_size 512 --hidden_size 768 --n_layers 4 --max_grad_norm 1e+8 --iteration_per_update 2 \
--lr 1e-3 --lr_step 0 --use_adam --rl_n_epochs 0 \
--model_fn ./model.pth
To continue with RL training
>> python --load_fn ./model.pth --model_fn ./model.rl.pth \
--init_epoch 31 --iteration_per_update 1 --max_grad_norm 5
>> python --train ./data/corpus.shuf.train.tok.bpe --valid ./data/corpus.shuf.valid.tok.bpe --lang enko \
--gpu_id 0 --batch_size 128 --n_epochs 30 --max_length 100 --dropout .2 \
--hidden_size 768 --n_layers 4 --max_grad_norm 1e+8 --iteration_per_update 32 \
--lr 1e-3 --lr_step 0 --use_adam --use_transformer --rl_n_epochs 0 \
--model_fn ./model.pth
Dual Supervised Learning
LM Training:
>> python --train ./data/corpus.shuf.train.tok.bpe --valid ./data/corpus.shuf.valid.tok.bpe --lang enko \
--gpu_id 0 --batch_size 256 --n_epochs 20 --max_length 64 --dropout .2 \
--word_vec_size 512 --hidden_size 768 --n_layers 4 --max_grad_norm 1e+8 \
--model_fn ./lm.pth
DSL using pretrained LM:
>> python --train ./data/corpus.shuf.train.tok.bpe --valid ./data/corpus.shuf.valid.tok.bpe --lang enko \
--gpu_id 0 --batch_size 64 --n_epochs 40 --max_length 64 --dropout .2 \
--word_vec_size 512 --hidden_size 768 --n_layers 4 --max_grad_norm 1e+8 --iteration_per_update 4 \
--dsl_n_warmup_epochs 30 --dsl_lambda 1e-2 \
--lm_fn ./lm.pth \
--model_fn ./model.pth
Note that I recommend to use different 'max_grad_norm value' (e.g. 5) for after warm-up training. You can use '' to change 'max_grad_norm' argument.
You can translate any sentence via standard input and output.
>> python -h
usage: [-h] --model_fn MODEL_FN [--gpu_id GPU_ID]
[--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [--max_length MAX_LENGTH]
[--n_best N_BEST] [--beam_size BEAM_SIZE] [--lang LANG]
[--length_penalty LENGTH_PENALTY]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--model_fn MODEL_FN Model file name to use
--gpu_id GPU_ID GPU ID to use. -1 for CPU. Default=-1
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE
Mini batch size for parallel inference. Default=128
--max_length MAX_LENGTH
Maximum sequence length for inference. Default=255
--n_best N_BEST Number of best inference result per sample. Default=1
--beam_size BEAM_SIZE
Beam size for beam search. Default=5
--lang LANG Source language and target language. Example: enko
--length_penalty LENGTH_PENALTY
Length penalty parameter that higher value produce
shorter results. Default=1.2
example usage:
>> python --model_fn ./model.pth --gpu_id 0 --lang enko < test.txt > test.result.txt
You may also need to change the argument parameters.
In order to evaluate this project, I used public dataset from AI-HUB, which provides 1,600,000 pairs of sentence. I randomly split this data into train/valid/test set by following number of lines each. In fact, original test set, which has about 200000 lines, is too big to take bunch of evaluations, I reduced it to 1,000 lines. (In other words, you can get better model, if you put removed 200,000 lines into training set.)
set | lang | #lines | #tokens | #characters |
train | en | 1,200,000 | 43,700,390 | 367,477,362 |
ko | 1,200,000 | 39,066,127 | 344,881,403 | |
valid | en | 200,000 | 7,286,230 | 61,262,147 |
ko | 200,000 | 6,516,442 | 57,518,240 | |
valid-1000 | en | 1,000 | 36,307 | 305,369 |
ko | 1,000 | 32,282 | 285,911 | |
test-1000 | en | 1,000 | 35,686 | 298,993 |
ko | 1,000 | 31,720 | 280,126 |
Each dataset is tokenized with Mecab/MosesTokenizer and BPE. After preprocessing, each language has vocabulary size like as below:
en | ko |
20,525 | 29,411 |
Also, we have following hyper-parameters for each model to proceed a evaluation.
parameter | seq2seq | transformer |
batch_size | 320 | 4096 |
word_vec_size | 512 | - |
hidden_size | 768 | 768 |
n_layers | 4 | 4 |
n_splits | - | 8 |
n_epochs | 30 | 30 |
Below is a table for hyper-parameters for each algorithm.
parameter | MLE | MRT | DSL |
n_epochs | 30 | 30 + 40 | 30 + 10 |
optimizer | Adam | SGD | Adam |
lr | 1e-3 | 1e-2 | 1e-2 |
max_grad_norm | 1e+8 | 5 | 1e+8 |
Please, note that MRT has different optimization setup.
Following table shows a evaluation result for each algorithm.
enko | koen | |
Sequence-to-Sequence | 32.53 | 29.67 |
Sequence-to-Sequence (MRT) | 34.04 | 31.24 |
Sequence-to-Sequence (DSL) | 33.47 | 31.00 |
Transformer | 34.96 | 31.84 |
Transformer (MRT) | - | - |
Transformer (DSL) | 35.48 | 32.80 |
As you can see, Transformer outperforms in ENKO/KOEN task. I couldn't run MRT on Transformer, due to lack of memory.
Following table shows the result based on beam-size on Sequence-to-Sequence model. Table shows that beam search improve BLEU score without data adding and model change.
beam_size | enko | koen |
1 | 31.65 | 28.93 |
5 | 32.53 | 29.67 |
10 | 32.48 | 29.37 |
Below table shows that result from both MLE and MRT in Korean-English translation task.
우리는 또한 그 지역의 생선 가공 공장에서 심한 악취를 내며 썩어가는 엄청난 양의 생선도 치웠습니다. | We cleared tons and tons of stinking, rotting fish carcasses from the local fish processing plant. | We also had a huge stink in the fish processing plant in the area, smelling havoc with a huge amount of fish. | We also cleared a huge amount of fish that rot and rot in the fish processing factory in the area. |
회사를 이전할 이상적인 장소이다. | It is an ideal place to relocate the company. | It's an ideal place to transfer the company. | It's an ideal place to transfer the company. |
나는 이것들이 내 삶을 바꾸게 하지 않겠어. | I won't let this thing alter my life. | I'm not gonna let these things change my life. | I won't let these things change my life. |
사람들이 슬퍼보인다. | Their faces appear tearful. | People seem to be sad. | People seem to be sad. |
아냐, 그런데 넌 그렇다고 생각해. | No, but I think you do. | No, but I think you do. | No, but you think it's. |
하지만, 나는 나중에 곧 잠들었다. | But I fell asleep shortly afterwards. | However, I fell asleep in a moment. | However, I fell asleep soon afterwards. |
하지만 1997년 아시아에 외환위기가 불어닥쳤다. | But Asia was hit hard by the 1997 foreign currency crisis. | In 1997, however, the financial crisis in Asia has become a reality for Asia. | But in 1997, the foreign currency crisis was swept in Asia. |
메이저 리그 공식 웹사이트에 따르면, 12월 22일, 추씨는 텍사스 레인져스와 7년 계약을 맺었다. | According to Major League Baseball's official website, on Dec. 22, Choo signed a seven year contract with the Texas Rangers. | According to the Major League official website on December 22, Choo signed a seven-year contract with Texas Rangers in Texas | According to the Major League official website on December 22, Choo made a seven-year contract with Texas Rangers. |
한 개인. | a private individual | a person of personal importance | a personal individual |
도로에 차가 꼬리를 물고 늘어서있다. | The traffic is bumper to bumper on the road. | The road is on the road with a tail. | The road is lined with tail on the road. |
내가 그렇게 늙지 않았다는 점을 지적해도 될까요. | Let me point out that I'm not that old. | You can point out that I'm not that old. | You can point out that I'm not that old. |
닐슨 시청률은 15분 단위 증감으로 시청률을 측정하므로, ABC, NBC, CBS 와 Fox 의 순위를 정하지 않았다. | Nielsen had no ratings for ABC, NBC, CBS and Fox because it measures their viewership in 15-minute increments. | The Nielsen ratings measured the viewer's ratings with increments for 15-minute increments, so they did not rank ABC, NBC, CBS and Fox. | Nielson ratings measured ratings with 15-minute increments, so they did not rank ABC, NBC, CBS and Fox. |
다시말해서, 학교는 교사 부족이다. | In other words, the school is a teacher short. | In other words, school is a teacher short of a teacher. | In other words, school is a lack of teacher. |
그 다음 몇 주 동안에 사태가 극적으로 전환되었다. | Events took a dramatic turn in the weeks that followed. | The situation has been dramatically changed for the next few weeks. | The situation was dramatically reversed for the next few weeks. |
젊은이들을 물리학에 대해 흥미를 붙일수 있게 할수 있는 가장 좋은 사람은 졸업생 물리학자이다. | The best possible person to excite young people about physics is a graduate physicist. | The best person to be able to make young people interested in physics is a self-thomac physicist. | The best person to make young people interested in physics is a graduate physicist. |
5월 20일, 인도는 팔로디 마을에서 충격적인 기온인 섭씨 51도를 달성하며, 가장 더운 날씨를 기록했습니다. | On May 20, India recorded its hottest day ever in the town of Phalodi with a staggering temperature of 51 degrees Celsius. | On May 20, India achieved its hottest temperatures, even 51 degrees Celsius, in the Palrody village, and recorded the hottest weather. | On May 20, India achieved 51 degrees Celsius, a devastating temperature in Paldydy town, and recorded the hottest weather. |
내말은, 가끔 바나는 그냥 바나나야. | I mean, sometimes a banana is just a banana. | I mean, sometimes a banana is just a banana. | I mean, sometimes a banana is just a banana. |
- [Luong et al., 2015] Effective Approaches to Attention-based Neural Machine Translation
- [Shen et al., 2015] Minimum Risk Training for Neural Machine Translation
- [Sennrich et al., 2016] Neural Machine Translation of Rare Words with Subword Units
- [Wu et al, 2016] Google's Neural Machine Translation System: Bridging the Gap between Human and Machine Translation
- [Vaswani et al., 2017] Attention is All You Need
- [Xia et al., 2017] Dual Supervised Learning