Jmz Place

This is just something I put together real quick to grab some nearby places. It is sorted by distance from current location


Just add JitPack and library to your build.gradle

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url "" }

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.JmzTaylor:JmzPlaces:1.0'

You will need to ask for location permission before running anything or it will always return null .

Implement the listener

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements OnPlacesListener {

public void onPlacesCompleted(ArrayList<MyPlaces> myPlaces) {  
    // myPlaces variable has the data. 

Then just initialize the classes and do what you want with the data. You will need to replace API_KEY with your Google Places API key.

new JmzPlaces(this,"restaurant", API_KEY);

new JmzPlaces.AsyncTaskRunner(this).execute();