
A PHP library to communicate through SOAP and REST with SmartFocus CampaignCommander API

Primary LanguagePHP

Campaign Commander

Campaign Commander is the stuff you need to manage your Campaign Commander.


PHP Campaign Commander is a library to communicate with the Campaign Commander API.


PHP Campaign Commander is BSD licensed.



  • PHP >= 5.4.4
  • soap extension

Installation through Composer

	"require": {
		"mylittleparis/campaign-commander": "dev-master"


This library is structured on 2 layers:

  • Low-level API clients : only SOAP (using BeSimple lib) clients are provided (one for standard requests, one for requests containing attachments)
  • Mid-level API services : using low-level clients, they are mapped to CampaignCommander API methods and allow you to really work with CampaignCommander

Basic usage


  1. Instantiate a mid-level service with an appropriate low-level API client factory
  2. Enjoy the service methods :)

Example : create an export from a segment

use BeSimple\SoapClient as Soap;
use MyLittle\CampaignCommander\API\SOAP as Client;
use MyLittle\CampaignCommander\Service as Service;

$clientFactory = new Client\StandardClientFactory(new Soap\SoapClientBuilder(), 'login', 'password', 'key', 'http://emvapi.emv3.com');
$service = new Service\MemberExportService($clientFactory);
try {
	$result = $service->createDownloadByMailinglist('ID_SEGMENT', 'ALL_MEMBERS', 'EMAIL,FIELD1', 'PIPE', 'true', 'EMAIL', 'true');



this library comes with some unit tests. if you plan to run these tests, you can do it simply by running phpunit in the project root directory like that :

$ cd /path/to/lib
$ phpunit

For more information about PHPUnit, you can read the official documentation

The tests are located in the folder tests/.

Sites using this class