A MERN (Built in MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node) stack application where to-be doggy parent(s) can browse dogs for adoption 💕 I am a doggy mom myself and big advocate for senior dog adoptions, but more importantly, I am an advocate for finding homes for as many animals as possible.
Use the package managers npm or yarn. In this example I used yarn. Note: You will need to open two terminal windows to run this application, one for the server and one for the CRA (Create react app).
Installing dependencies
yarn install
Start server and establish connection to MongoDB, ignore depreciation warning in console.
cd server
yarn restart
cd client
Install your client side dependencies ```yarn install``
Start your frontend server
yarn start
Auth0 - User Authenication
PetFinder - Authenicated Pet Data
You will need your own keys of the following: MongoDB: MongoDB USER, MongoDB PASSWORD Auth0: Auth0 DOMAIN, Auth0 API, Auth0 IDENTIFIER, Auth0 AUDIENCE PetFinder: PetFinder CLIENTID, PetFinder SECRET
MongoDB - Document db, stores data in rich JSON-like documents
Like a raising a baby, my passion project could not be possible with the help of countless friends, mentors and generous open resources.
Thank you to Max, Nic, and George. Special thanks to the people who open source their hardwork, you made it possible for me to build my passion project. Thank you Frontend Masters, Reactjs, Expressjs, Nodejs, MongoDB, Auth0, and PetFinder Organization.