Just gittin’ goin’… towards environmental and engineering offerings
Native Hue Energy ManagementLondon UK
Pinned Repositories
neuralnetworksanddeeplearning.com integrated scripts for Python 3.5.2 and Theano with CUDA support
Conway Game of Life for investigating small or medium worlds over short or long timeframes. Using basic Python without imports. Seed files as text with examples. Visual output in Terminal. Flexible numbers of rows and columns. Ability to skip output steps.
Neural network for beginners, in standard Python with flexible numbers of nodes and layers. Developed on from Loy. Needs only the numpy import.
Draw views of three dimensional scenes that you specify. Change viewpoint anytime. Uses simple input data and python coding from first principles. Scene input is a set of 3D points then polygon faces formed with the points. Includes options to straighten verticals and change the illumination direction.
Jnotyogi's Repositories
neuralnetworksanddeeplearning.com integrated scripts for Python 3.5.2 and Theano with CUDA support
Conway Game of Life for investigating small or medium worlds over short or long timeframes. Using basic Python without imports. Seed files as text with examples. Visual output in Terminal. Flexible numbers of rows and columns. Ability to skip output steps.
Neural network for beginners, in standard Python with flexible numbers of nodes and layers. Developed on from Loy. Needs only the numpy import.
Draw views of three dimensional scenes that you specify. Change viewpoint anytime. Uses simple input data and python coding from first principles. Scene input is a set of 3D points then polygon faces formed with the points. Includes options to straighten verticals and change the illumination direction.