By sending BTC to the authority
address, frens NFT would be minted to the account on the Stacks Blockchain. Powered by chainhooks
Start a local Devnet with the command:
$ clarinet integrate
In another console, change the directory to ./serverless/
. After running
$ yarn global add serverless # Install serverless globally
$ yarn # Install dependencies
and making sure that the command serverless
is available in your $PATH
, the lambda functions can be started locally with the following command:
$ serverless offline --verbose --printOutput
: a BTC transaction is being performed, using the following parameters:
- btc-transfer:
expected-sender: mjSrB3wS4xab3kYqFktwBzfTdPg367ZJ2d
recipient: mr1iPkD9N3RJZZxXRk7xF9d36gffa6exNC
sats-amount: 100000000
sats-per-byte: 10
A chainhook, present in chainhooks/wrap-btc.chainhook.yaml
is observing BTC transfers being performed to the address mr1iPkD9N3RJZZxXRk7xF9d36gffa6exNC
thanks to the following configuration:
scope: outputs
equals: mr1iPkD9N3RJZZxXRk7xF9d36gffa6exNC
and then, a frens mint
NFT transaction would be sent:
const txOptions = {
contractAddress: frensToken.contractAddress,
contractName: frensToken.contractName,
functionName: "mint",
functionArgs: [standardPrincipalCVFromAddress(recipientAddress)],
fee: 1000,
anchorMode: AnchorMode.OnChainOnly,
postConditionMode: PostConditionMode.Allow,
senderKey: process.env.AUTHORITY_SECRET_KEY!,
const tx = await makeContractCall(txOptions);
In this protocol, this transaction assumes usage of p2pkh addresses, and sends the change back to the sender, using the same address.
$ clarinet deployment apply -p deployments/btc-sendNFT.devnet-plan.yaml