
Scrapy document scraper

Primary LanguagePython


Scraper to scrape PDFs from german Ratsinformationssysteme (Risse).


  • git/GitHub versioning
  • docstrings
  • refactor general structure
  • markup readme
  • (some) software tests
  • fix schaltjahre
  • improve logger
  • download validation
  • starter script (configuration file???)
  • IBM cloud API interface
  • extend for more scrapers
  • url in docstrings for which site it works on
  • flow diagram how each scraper scrapes
  • Dortmund Integrationsrat and many other are not being scraped!
  • Scrape Dortmund Archiv as well???
  • add DEBUG variable for only parsing a specific Gremium for testing purposes
  • BUG: only year as CLI parameter doesn't work
  • cloud-upload should split joined Gremien ("Gremium1, Gremium2") and upload the content to both Gremien

###Starter Script

Prio1days=14 # kommende 14 Tage prio1=daily prio1exeptionday=1,7 prio2=weekly prio2day=1 Prio2days=365 # vergangene Tage (consider leap years) Prio3 gesamter Zeitraum einmal im Monat

1 Ini for every City (with the parameters above) 1 main Ini (decides which scraper will run amd where the results will be stored)

Vorhergehende Monate sollen Schrittweise abgegrast werden

Installation (Linux)

Enter in the terminal

sudo pip3 install scrapy git pytest
git clone https://github.com/JoBergs/risse.git

Installation (Windows)

This assumes Python is already installed.

For Scrapy see https://www.accordbox.com/blog/scrapy-tutorial-4-how-install-scrapy-windows/

For git see https://www.jamessturtevant.com/posts/5-Ways-to-install-git-on-Windows/

For PyTest (optional) see https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/getting-started.html#installation-issues

Then, enter in the Terminal

git clone https://github.com/JoBergs/risse.git


cd risse
git pull origin master


Currently, three scrapers are implemented for the RISSE allris(Mülheim), dorat (Dortmund) and somacos (Bochum).

They are run with the command (executed in the risse base directory)

scrapy crawl RISSENAME -a stadt=CITY -a url=URL -a root=RESULTPATH -a year=YEAR -a month=MONTH -a overwrite=BOOL


Scraper: Main Page -> extend all Gremien -> Gremium -> Sitzungen -> Sitzung (HTML), Anlagen

scrapy crawl dorat -a stadt=Dortmund -a url=https://dosys01.digistadtdo.de/dosys/gremniedweb1.nsf/NiederschriftenWeb?OpenView -a root=test -a year=2018 -a month=3 -a overwrite=True


Scraper: Main page -> "Gremien" -> GremiumName -> Sitzungen -> if date fits: scrape Einladung, Niederschrift, Sitzung -> Scrape all Sitzung PDFs (with their topic and TOP)

scrapy crawl somacos -a stadt=Bochum -a url=https://session.bochum.de/bi/infobi.asp -a root=test -a year=2018 -a month=3 -a overwrite=True


Scraper: Main page -> "Kalender" -> ASP requests for Sitzungen for fitting months -> Sitzung -> Niederschrift, Topics -> for each topic Beratungsverlauf, Anlagen, Vorlagen -> all Anlagen for each Vorlage


scrapy crawl allris -a stadt=Mülheim -a url=https://ratsinfo.muelheim-ruhr.de/buerger/allris.net.asp -a root=test -a year=2018 -a month=3 -a overwrite=True


scrapy crawl allris -a stadt=Herne -a url=https://www.herne.de/Rathaus/Politik/Ratsinformationssystem/ -a root=test -a year=2018 -a month=3 -a overwrite=True


scrapy crawl allris -a stadt=Oberhausen -a url=https://allris.oberhausen.de/bi/allris.net.asp -a root=test -a year=2018 -a month=3 -a overwrite=True


scrapy crawl allris -a stadt=Selm -a url=https://www.sitzungsdienst-selm.de/bi/allris.net.asp -a root=test -a year=2018 -a month=3 -a overwrite=True


scrapy crawl allris -a stadt=Hagen -a url=https://www.hagen.de/irj/portal/AllrisB -a root=test -a year=2018 -a month=3 -a overwrite=True

Software tests

To run the software tests, enter in the Scraper base directory ./risse

sudo py.test risse/tests

(Pass -s for running ipdb in tests.)