
assignTags efficiently assigns tags to an entity according to the entity's category and subcategory labels.

Primary LanguagePython


assignTags efficiently assigns tags to an entity according to the entity's category and subcategory labels.


Step 1: create or retrieve legend for tag assignment (tags.xlsx)

Category Subcategory Assignment Conditions Tags
ART category catch-all ['art']
ART SUPPLIES sells art supplies ['art supplies', 'paint', 'brush', 'sketch', 'draw', 'color', 'canvas', 'fabric']
ART GALLERY is an art gallery ['gallery', 'art gallery', 'photography']
BOOKS category catch-all ['book', 'chapters', 'indigo', 'coles', 'bookstore', 'library']
BOOKS COMICS is a comic shop ['comic', 'collectable']
BOOKS USED is a used book store ['used books', 'used bookstore']
BUTCHER category catch-all ['butcher', 'meat', 'steak', 'sausage', 'grass fed', 'beef']
CAFE category catch-all ['cafe', 'coffee']
CAFE COFFEE is a coffee shop ['coffee roaster', 'coffee beans', 'espresso', 'cappiccino', 'latte', 'americano']
CAFE TEA is a tea shop ['tea']
CAFE BUBBLE_TEA is a bubble tea shop ['bubble tea', 'boba']
FAST_FOOD catch-all ['fast food', 'food', 'sandwich', 'lunch', 'drive thru']
FAST_FOOD CLASSIC sells classic American fast food ['burger', 'fries', 'hot dog', 'chicken nuggets', 'milk shake']
FAST_FOOD PIZZA is a pizza shop ['pizza', 'slice']
FAST_FOOD HEALTHY sells health fast food ['salad', 'bowl', 'poke', 'healthy food']
GAS_STATION catch-all ['gas station', 'gas', 'convenience store', 'cigarettes', 'snacks', 'drinks']
TRAVEL catch-all ['travel', 'tour', 'sightseeing', 'landmarks', 'vacation']
YOGA catch-all ['yoga', 'yoga mat', 'hot yoga', 'fitness']

Step 2: create or retrieve table containing merchant data (merchants.xlsx)

Brand_Name Category Subcategories Existing_Tags
Art Gallery of Ontario ART GALLERY ["AGO", "Art Gallery of Ontario", "Gallery", "Art"]
Jane's Art Supplies ART SUPPLIES ["art supplier", "paint"]
Second Hand Comics BOOKS COMICS, USED ["Marvel", "comics"]
The Blue Butcher BUTCHER ["butcher", "meat"]
Green Tea House CAFE TEA, BUBBLE_TEA ["Green Tea House"]
Black Coffee Roasters CAFE COFFEE ["coffee", "pastries"]
Bubba's Burgers FAST_FOOD CLASSIC []
Pizza Pizza FAST_FOOD PIZZA ["pizza", "wings", "delivery"]
Petro Canada GAS_STATION []
NYC Sightseeing Tours TRAVEL ["Tourism"]
House of Yoga YOGA ["yoga"]

Step 3: run assignTags.py to assign the category tages you created in step 1 to the merchant table in step 2 (assigned tags.csv)

Brand_Name Category Subcategories Existing_Tags Tags
Art Gallery of Ontario ART ['GALLERY'] ['AGO', 'Art Gallery of Ontario', 'Gallery', 'Art'] ['ago', 'art', 'gallery', 'art gallery', 'art gallery of ontario', 'photography']
Jane's Art Supplies ART ['SUPPLIES'] ['art supplier', 'paint'] ['fabric', 'paint', 'sketch', 'brush', 'art supplies', 'color', 'art', 'art supplier', 'canvas', 'draw']
Second Hand Comics BOOKS ['COMICS', 'USED'] ['Marvel', 'comics'] ['book', 'marvel', 'library', 'comics', 'used books', 'indigo', 'comic', 'collectable', 'used bookstore', 'bookstore', 'chapters', 'coles']
The Blue Butcher BUTCHER ['butcher', 'meat'] ['beef', 'steak', 'butcher', 'sausage', 'meat', 'grass fed']
Green Tea House CAFE ['TEA', 'BUBBLE_TEA'] ['Green Tea House'] ['cafe', 'coffee', 'green tea house', 'bubble tea', 'tea', 'boba']
Black Coffee Roasters CAFE ['COFFEE'] ['coffee', 'pastries'] ['cafe', 'cappiccino', 'americano', 'latte', 'coffee roaster', 'pastries', 'coffee', 'espresso', 'coffee beans']
Bubba's Burgers FAST_FOOD ['CLASSIC'] [] ['sandwich', 'hot dog', 'chicken nuggets', 'milk shake', 'food', 'fries', 'lunch', 'burger', 'fast food', 'drive thru']
Pizza Pizza FAST_FOOD ['PIZZA'] ['pizza', 'wings', 'delivery'] ['sandwich', 'slice', 'food', 'pizza', 'wings', 'delivery', 'lunch', 'fast food', 'drive thru']
The Poke Bowl FAST_FOOD ['HEALTHY'] [] ['sandwich', 'healthy food', 'salad', 'poke', 'food', 'bowl', 'lunch', 'fast food', 'drive thru']
Petro Canada GAS_STATION [] ['cigarettes', 'gas', 'drinks', 'convenience store', 'gas station', 'snacks']
NYC Sightseeing Tours TRAVEL ['Tourism'] ['travel', 'vacation', 'tourism', 'tour', 'sightseeing', 'landmarks']
House of Yoga YOGA ['yoga'] ['yoga mat', 'hot yoga', 'fitness', 'yoga']