FlixQuest (formerly Cinemax) is a free and open source Android app for streaming Movies and TV-Series.
Some UI and API functionality from: Here
You need to use your own TMDB, Opensubtitles and Mixpanel API keys. Create a .env file in the root directory of the project and create fields TMDB_API_KEY, MIXPANEL_API_KEY and OPENSUBTITLES_API_KEY and assign a value to them with your own keys.
API keys can be found at: https://developer.themoviedb.org/v3/reference/intro/authentication#api-key-quick-start
This repo uses customized better_player package which can be found at github.com/beamlakaschalew/flixquest-betterplayer
Clone the repo to your machine and edit the location of the better_player package that is found in FlixQuest
Whether you have ideas, translations, design changes, code cleaning, or real heavy code changes, help is always welcome. The more is done the better it gets!
If creating a pull request, please make sure to format your code.
If opening an issue without following the issue template, we will ignore the issue and force close it.
The developers of this application does not have any affiliation with the content providers like TMDB or third party websites.
FlixQuest does not host any content on the app, and has no control over what media is put up or taken down.
In case of copyright infringement, please directly contact the responsible parties or the streaming websites.
It merely scrapes 3rd-party websites that are publicly accessable via any regular web browser and third-party APIs
GNU, but for Entertainment