
A Python dictionary that provides cryptographic hashes of its contents.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


hasheddict is a dictionary that provides cryptographic hashes of its contents. It is suitable for use cases where elements are frequently added and deleted in large dictionaries as it does not require rehashing the entire dataset when dictionary is modified. The algorithm is based on Merkle trees (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merkle_tree).


HashedDict objects can be instantiated and used just like normal Python dicts. By default, sha256 is used to generate the cryptographic hash.

Adding and removing elements is identical to Python dicts. HashedDict feeds the __repr__ attribute of any key or value into the hash algorithm. It therefore works correctly IF AND ONLY IF the __repr__ uniquely identifies the objects that are stored in the dict both as key and value.

To obtain the hash of a dictionary, the get_hash() method is executed. Its return value is the same type and size as the return of the digest() method of the hash algorithm used. The default hash algorithm is hashlib.sha256 and the default return value is therefore a str of length hashlib.sha256.digest_size (256 bit/32 unicode characters).

The default hash algorithm and the a performance setting can be influenced when HashedDict is instantiated. This is done by providing two arguments to the HashedDict constructor in front of the arguments supported by Python dict:

  • If exactly one argument is provided, this argument is the hash algorithm used by HashedDict. It has to be a hash algorithm from python hashlib or a class that provides the same constructor, an update() method to add content to the hash-function and a digest() method that returns unicode-string of the hash of the input.
  • If two arguments are provided the first argument influences performance. Its default value is 3, if it is increased, the memory usage of HashedDict will rise and the performance of adding and removing elements from the dictionary will decrease. However, a higher number reduces the relative number of additions where adding takes the worst-case time. In general, increasing this number is recommended for scenarios where dicts repeatedly shrink and grow by more than 2^log2(n) elements (n is the dict size). Reducing it is recommended if only the total add/remove performance is interesting, not the worst-case performance and where memory is scarce.


>>> import hashlib
>>> hashed_dict1 = HashedDict(key1="value1", key2="value2")
>>> hashed_dict2 = HashedDict(key2="value2", key1="value1")
>>> hashed_dict3 = HashedDict(hashlib.sha512, key1="value1", key2="value2")
>>> hashed_dict1.get_hash() == hashed_dict2.get_hash()
>>> hashed_dict1.get_hash() == hashed_dict3.get_hash()
>>> hashed_dict4 = HashedDict()
>>> hashed_dict4[key1] = "value1"
>>> hashed_dict4[key2] = "value2"
>>> hashed_dict1.get_hash() == hashed_dict4.get_hash()
>>> hashed_dict5 = HashedDict(1, hashlib.sha512, key1="value1", key2="value2")
>>> hashed_dict5.get_hash() == hashed_dict3.get_hash()
>>> hashed_dict = HashedDict(pangram="The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog")
>>> hashed_dict.get_hash()


Adding and removing elements immediately recomputes the hashes the dictionary, the invocation of get_hash() therefore does not induce any overhead.

Adding and removing elements has an average complexity of O(log n), however the worst case complexity is O(n). Please note the worst case execution time really takes place when the length of a dictionary is increased from 2^n to (2^n)+1. In these cases, the entire dictionary is re-hashed which uses significant time for very large dictionaries (ten thousands of elements)


This module uses a standard Python dict and adds a balanced binary tree to it. This binary tree contains a list at every leaf node. Using a crc32 based mapping, every key in the dictionary is uniquely assigned to one of these lists. The actual list entry is a cryptographic hash uniquely identifying the tuple of dictionary key and value. Every leaf node therefore consists of a list of hash strings which may also be empty if no dictionary keys are mapped to the leaf node. To generate a hash of the complete dictionary, this list is sorted and then cryptographically hashed. The leaf node therefore has a unique hash string of its own.

Every internal node (non-leaf) is assigned a hash string through concatenation and hashing of its two child nodes. The root of the tree (level 0) is e.g. assigned a hash through hashing of the hashes of the two level 1 internal nodes. The hash of the root node of the binary is also the hash of the dictionary which is returned by get_hash()