Minutes To Midnight

An app that counts down to a date and time specified by the user. An example would be a countdown till you're off work for the week.

NOTE: Widen the console section of the repl.it for proper UI display

The 6 is a Lie - Patricia Booth, Josh Jones, Lindsey Olmstead, Jason Rash

Project for Oregon State University Summer 2019 Beaver Hacks

Track upcoming Marvel movie releases, Call of Duty video game release, college football games, your dreaded vacation with the in-laws, or that important client meeting next week. The possibilities are endless.

It's as easy as 1, 2, 3.

  1. Open Minutes To Midnight.
  2. Create a new countdown timer.
  3. Get alerted when it is almost time to go.

Create as many countdowns as you want and when you choose exit from the main menu all your countdowns are saved for later. The next time you load up the app all your countdowns will be loaded and any that have passed will automatically be deleted for you so you only ever have to see those that are still upcoming.