This is a Node.js script that uses the google-spreadsheet library to add a new row to a Google Sheets spreadsheet.
First, the script imports the GoogleSpreadsheet class and the credential.json file that contains the credentials for accessing the Google Sheets API. The idSheet constant specifies the ID of the spreadsheet that the script will work with.
The addRow function is an asynchronous function that creates a new instance of the GoogleSpreadsheet class and uses the useServiceAccountAuth method to authenticate with the Google Sheets API using the credential.json file. Then, the loadInfo method is called to load the information about the spreadsheet.
After that, the sheet constant is set to the "Billing" sheet of the spreadsheet. Finally, the addRow method of the sheet object is called with an object containing the values for the new row.
Note that the addRow method is also an asynchronous method, so the await keyword is used to wait for the method to complete before the script exits.
Node version: v19.3.0
!! To start develepment: Consider to use vscode as editor to development.
Clone project:
git clone <>
Istall dependencies
js yarn;
Run job
node index.js
Create credentials in google account( -Video of how to do the process from the beginning(
Give editor access to the user linked to the google sheets api, on the file that wants to add the lines.