Snmpbuilder is an addon for zabbix to help users use SNMP OIDS as zabbix items (data sources) This tool was originaly written by giapnguyen ( see Later Sire adopted it for zabbix-2.0.0 I've made some minor changes and installed it on zabbox-2.0.2 from original README (from giapnguen): I write the tool because I'm tired in create SNMP items for zabbix. To create a useful zabbix's template for SNMP devices, I used to open a MIB browser to get correct OID then fill the zabbix's item forms. It'm so boring when create a long list of items :-( . There is a first attempt of work out this problem, zload_snmpwalk But I rather a GUI tool. So why just make one? SNMP builder is a add-in for Zabbix. It provide browse MIB for values and informations, automatically convert into Zabbix items and insert them into a template. Installation Prerequisits: install snmp packet from your repo Now let's go. I'm a bit ubuntu-centric, so please read carefully and make changes sutable for you. (i'll mark all comments with '#', so you may copy-paste all to terminal or script): ----------------- #1. download tar.gz file from github to your favorite directory # also name tar file $dist_name # you may download by browser pointing to, or wget --content-disposition #2. Define some variables: # Zabbix frontend document-root # (for ubuntu it is /var/www/zabbix): zabbix_frontend=/var/www/zabbix # Your favorite directory for downloads (your current dir for ex.) your_src=$PWD # Downloaded tar filename (also directory later) dist_name=`basename atimonin-snmpbuilder-* .tar.gz` # # #3. untar needed files tar xvzf $distname.tar.gz #4. become an apache user (www-data for ubuntu, if not, you may see it from # ps aux|grep apache), it'll ask you for your password if you have appropriate permissions sudo -s -u www-data <<END_OF_SCRIPT #5. install images for snmpbuilder in zabbix frontend root directory cd $zabbix_frontend tar xvzf $your_src/$distname/snmpbuilder-2.0_imgs.tar.gz #6. patch zabbix frontend patch -p1 < $your_src/$distname/snmpbuilder-2.0.patch #7. copy snmpbuilder files to frontend dir cp -r $your_src/$distname/zabbix/* . #8. if you need russian translation (if not, skip this step) # patch .po file and rebuild .mo patch -p1 < $your_src/snmpbuilder-for-2.0.2/snmpbuilder-2.0-ru.patch cd locale ./ #9. All done, you are again you, exit from sudo END_OF_SCRIPT ----------------- Now restart apache: sudo service apache2 restart or sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart How to use: In configuration mode yow should have "SNMP Builder" submenu, go there Fill in: Host (ip address), Community. Select MIB from dropdown list (for ex IF-MIB). You should see MIB subtree on the left. Click some leaf or table in subthee (for ex ifTable or sysUpTime). Now you shoud see SNMP data in "OID Data" table and some description in "Information" window. Select the data you need in "OID Data" table, you'll see it's added as zabbix item in "Item list" table. You may select multiple. To remove item click on it in "Item list" To save items, select template from dropdown list and click save. You may also check "Create graph" checkbox to add grafs of all items you selected. Happy SNMPing!