
My First Day of Alchemy.

One of the most important things we learned about is the shell, since we will be using it a lot when we become full-fledged developers. I broke the shell commands up into four categories, and they are as follows:

1. Shell Commands (Navigation)

cd . (this changes your directory to the one you are currently in)

cd .. (this changes your directory)

cd - (this changes your directory to the other, most recent directory)

cd ~ (this takes you to your home directory)

cd / (this takes you to your root directory)

2. Shell Commands (Creating)

cat filename (this reads content inside the selected file)

echo "text" > filename (rewrites all the text in filename to "text")

echo "text" >> filename (adds "text" to filename without deleting it)

3. Shell Commands (Modifying/Deleting)

rm filename (removes filename)

rmdir filename (removes the filename directory, but it has to be empty)

cp (originalfilelocation) (newfilelocation) (this copies a file originalfilelocation to newfilelocation)

mv (originalfilelocation) (newfilelocation) (this moves a file from original file location to new file location)

4. Shell Commands (Git)

git clone url (clones the files from the github url to the current location on your device)

git add . (adds the files in the current directory so they're ready to be comitted)

git add -A (adds all the files in the repo so they're ready to be committed)

git commit - m "message" (stages all the added files so they're ready for github)

git push origin master (pushes all the files to github)

After learning shell commands and getting more experience with github, we learned some markdown syntax. We learned how to make titles of varying sizes:




We also learned how to make tables, so now I can make a chart about numbers!

| One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | | I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | VIIII | X | | Ichi | Ni | San | Shi | Go | Roku | Nana | Hachi | Kyu | Ju