Pinned Repositories
Project made as scientific research on Federal Technological University of Paraná. In this project, it is been developed an biped robot capable to move forward with lateral control. The project is on going.
Projeto acadêmico de classificação de tipos de Câncer
Project made in python. The purpose of this project is to detect fall with an Knn-Algorithm. To do so was created a dataset with the values of the position and angle of the body and used to classify a movement between fall and not fall. It was used 2 ways of classification, one considering just a single frame and other considering a set of frames.
Projeto desenvolvido na disciplina de Desenvolvimento Web no período de 2024.1
Projeto de sistema de controle de temperatura desenvolvido na disciplina de Sistemas distribuídos.
Repositório feito com o objetivo de armazenar os laboratórios da Matéria de Sistemas Distribuídos
Projeto pessoal de visão computacional
Project made to android, an application capable to exchange information with the smart watch based on request.
Project made to TTGO Twatch 2020 V3, a smartWatch capable to communicate with an android to exchange information, such as the time and the schedule.
Projeto do client do grSim para fazer o robô fazer zig zag
JoViGaCa's Repositories
Projeto de sistema de controle de temperatura desenvolvido na disciplina de Sistemas distribuídos.
Repositório feito com o objetivo de armazenar os laboratórios da Matéria de Sistemas Distribuídos
Projeto pessoal de visão computacional
Projeto acadêmico de classificação de tipos de Câncer
Projeto desenvolvido na disciplina de Desenvolvimento Web no período de 2024.1
Project made to android, an application capable to exchange information with the smart watch based on request.
Project made to TTGO Twatch 2020 V3, a smartWatch capable to communicate with an android to exchange information, such as the time and the schedule.
Project made as scientific research on Federal Technological University of Paraná. In this project, it is been developed an biped robot capable to move forward with lateral control. The project is on going.
Project made in python. The purpose of this project is to detect fall with an Knn-Algorithm. To do so was created a dataset with the values of the position and angle of the body and used to classify a movement between fall and not fall. It was used 2 ways of classification, one considering just a single frame and other considering a set of frames.