To install, use go get
go get
- Initialization
client := &http.Client{}
animechan := Animechan{Client: client, BaseURL: ""}
- Random endpoint
Random quote
res, err := animechan.Random().Only()
if err != nil { panic(err) }
fmt.Printf("Anime: %q, Character: %q, Quote: %q", res.Anime, res.Character, res.Quote)
Random quote from a specific character
res, err := animechan.Random().Character("Madara Uchiha")
if err != nil { panic(err) }
fmt.Printf("Anime: %q, Character: %q, Quote: %q", res.Anime, res.Character, res.Quote)
Random quote from a specific anime
res, err := animechan.Random().Anime("Naruto")
if err != nil { panic(err) }
fmt.Printf("Anime: %q, Character: %q, Quote: %q", res.Anime, res.Character, res.Quote)
- Quotes endpoint
10 random quotes
res, err := animechan.Quotes().Only()
if err != nil { panic(err) }
fmt.Printf("all quotes: %v", res)
10 random quotes from the anime "Naruto"
page := 3
res, err := animechan.Quotes().Anime("Naruto", &page)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
fmt.Printf("all quotes: %v", res)
10 random quotes from the character "Madara Uchiha"
page := 3
res, err := animechan.Quotes().Character("Madara Uchiha", &page)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
fmt.Printf("all quotes: %v", res)
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