Utility for handling http querystrings and other http related stuff such as:
- Querystring parsing
- Querystring to Json
- Json to querystring
- Percent encoding and decoding
- Queristring nested bracket notation utils
- Json value generic parsing from string
Just use the following command:
$ boss install github.com/Joao-Peterson/httputils
If asked for permission, you can login with your gitlab credentials. (must be done in powershell or cmd with administrator mode)
$ boss login
> Url to login (ex: github.com): github.com
> Use SSH(y or n):
> n
> Username: your_username
> Password: your_password
Note: ssh isn't supported, hence the 'n' for not using ssh. See this issue with boss: HashLoad/boss#52.
Start by including including querystringU.pas
A querystring is a &
delimited string with key/value pairs that is percent/url encoded and is usually present in the http URI:
Or inside the body of a Content-Type: x-www-form-urlencoded
http request:
Content-Type: x-www-form-urlencoded
With the queristringT
class you can easly parse this kind of data to multiple formats, including JSON!.
var qs: querystringT := querystringT.Create();
var qs: querystringT := querystringT.Create();
qs.parseJson('{"key":"value","key2":"value2","encodedvalue":" :/"', true);
Or from a JsonObject:
var json := TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue('{"key":"value","key2":"value2","encodedvalue":" :/"') as TJSONObject;
var qs: querystringT := querystringT.Create();
qs.parseJson(json, true);
The last argument refeers to as how the json null
should be interpeted.
If true
then value: "null"
If false
then value: ""
var qs: string := qs.toQuerystring(true);
Where the true
sets the output to be percent/url encoded.
Can be used to access key/values pair.
var qs: TStringList := qs.toQuerystringList(true);
Where the true
sets the output to be percent/url encoded.
- Nested values in querystring form are of the form
. - Nested values are converted to nested json objects.
{"value":{"child":{"grandchild": 42}}}
. - Nested values with numbers are converted to arrays.
->{"value":["grandchild": 42]}
. - Sometimes the conversion from querystring to json to querystring again can be not equal, that's because compromisses are made in order to achieved a more natural json, no value will be lost, but if a name contains illegal characters it may be parsed as a separator, so the json will be generated differently and consequentially the new querystring.
var json: string := qs.toJson(true, true, true, true);
Where the 4 arguments are:
parseBool: Boolean = true // define if 'true' and 'false' should be parsed from string to Boolean if true
parseNull: Boolean = true // define if 'null' should be parsed from '' to 'null' if true
parseFloats: Boolean = true // define if a float should be parsed from a string to Extended if true
parseIntegers: Boolean = true // define if a integer should be parsed from a string to Integer if true
var json: TJSONObject := qs.toJsonObject(true, true, true, true);
Where the 4 arguments are:
parseBool: Boolean = true // define if 'true' and 'false' should be parsed from string to Boolean if true
parseNull: Boolean = true // define if 'null' should be parsed from '' to 'null' if true
parseFloats: Boolean = true // define if a float should be parsed from a string to Extended if true
parseIntegers: Boolean = true // define if a integer should be parsed from a string to Integer if true
Start by including including httpUtilsU.pas
This utils are for handling miscellaneous http related tasks, feel free to read about them, they might be useful for your use case.
All methods are class
var encoded: string := httpUtilsT.percentEncode(input, true);
The second boolean is for switching the URI
type, the difference is:
uri: ' ' = '%20'
urlencoded: ' ' = '+'
Decoded is of the same form:
var decoded: string := httpUtilsT.percentDecode(encoded, true);
substitute points on a string for '[' and ']'. Ex: 'a.b.c' -> 'a[b][c]'
class function pointsToBrackets(input: string): string;
substitute brackets on a string for '.'. Ex: 'a[b][c]' -> 'a.b.c'
class function bracketsToPoints(input: string): string;
split a string by brackets. Ex: 'a[b][c]' -> '(a, b, c)'
class function bracketsSplit(input: string): TArray<String>;
Given a string that may contain a json standard value, such as true
, null
or -23.45E+5
, this function can parse the value from a string to the correct type using a record
with case
var parsed: jsonValueT := httpUtilsT.parseJsonValue(valueString, true, true, true, true);
case parsed.jsonType of
jsonNull: // indicates a null value;
jsonBoolean: var num: boolean := parsed.booleanValue; // access boolean value
jsonInteger: var num: integer := parsed.integerValue; // access integer value
jsonFloat: var num: extended := parsed.floatValue; // access extended value
jsonString: var num: string := parsed.stringValue; // access string value
Tests are done by the testsU.pas file using DunitX, or rather, a fork i made that uses boss to be installed.
Just use try-exception
- URIBuilder()