Repository for the web development project Meetcamp, made with Laravel, Postgresql and Bootstrap

Primary LanguagePHP



An event manager for social gatherings.

Docker commands

As a group, we were unable to run the DockerHub image using the DRM database, and instead developed the project locally with a local database. To do so, assuming all the required software is already installed (PostgreSQL, Composer, PHP, etc.), we used the following commands: composer install docker-compose up php artisan db:seed php artisan migrate:fresh php artisan serve

However, it should also be possible to run the project with the DRM database by using the following command: docker run -it -p 8000:80 -e DB_DATABASE="lbaw2024" -e DB_USERNAME="lbaw2024" -e DB_PASSWORD="FG416885" lbaw2024/lbaw2024


The product can be accessed by running the source code locally, as mentioned previously, or by following the following URL while connected to FEUP's network: http://lbaw2024.lbaw-prod.fe.up.pt

Some features that work perfectly in the local version somehow get a server error while on the FEUP production server. These include deleting events, buying tickets for events via PayPal and some of the formatting.


Administration Credentials

Username Password
adminuser@meetcamp.com adminuser

User Credentials

Type Username Password
basic account ana@coutinho.com asasas

Group 24