
Repo with computer graphics codes, written in C, using OpenGL. Some of those were developed during my computer graphics class (SCC0255) in 2021.1, others individually, as a personal project.

Primary LanguageC


Compile with: gcc ob3d.c ..\GLib.c -lglfw3 -lglew32 -lgdi32 -lopengl32 -lSDL2_image -lSDL2main -lSDL2 -o ob3d

SDL version being run was 2.0.1, because it was the only one that I managed to install at my PC that worked.

Change GLib.h include to the folder you'll be compilling the program.


A versão sendo rodada do SDL que deu certo foi apenas a 2.0.1. Acima dessa versão estava dando problema.

Mude o include da GLib.h para a pasta que você vai estar usando.