Chat Application

Web Socket

Some important notes:

  • Authentication is being performed by auth0.

  • It is necessary to change the value of app.auth.jwks-url: "your value". This value is found in Settings after creating the application in auth0.

  • Advanced Settings -> Endpoints -> Json Web Key Set.

  • After identifying the user through auth0, it was possible to retrieve the token using the resource provided by auth0. This implementation will not appear in this repository because it is a repository intended only for the backend, but it is possible to find tutorials on the auth0 page itself.

Important endpoints:


  • This endpoint will provide a valid ticket for the websocket connection. It is necessary to send the token through Headers, with the value in the Authorization key. This ticket has a value of 60 seconds until it becomes invalid. If this happens, it is necessary to generate a new ticket.

  • Request: Web Socket Request

  • With the ticket in hand, just pass the ticket as a parameter in Params or in the url itself and request the connection.

    Example: ws://localhost:8080/chat?ticket=ab83f85b-cac2-4e66-80d7-ad2bd4f11b20


docker compose up (up services)

docker build -t chat-app:1.0 . (build image)

  • Check if the ports for these services are not being used on your machine.



  • Java 17
  • SpringBoot 3.0.6
  • Redis
  • Mongodb