
Hotel Booker is a project made with java and Spring Boot that help hotels to manage their rooms and guests using Rest API architecture

Primary LanguageJava

Logo Hotel Booker

Hotel Booker is a project made with java and Spring Boot that help hotels to manage their rooms and guests using Rest API architecture.


To run Hotel Booker, you need to have the Java Development Kit (JDK) 17.0.6 and PostgreSql installed and configured on your machine.

Endpoints & Demonstration

GET /rooms/{id} Find a room by id 200
GET /rooms/unavailable Find occupied rooms 200
GET /rooms/available Find empty rooms 200
GET /guests Find registered guests 200
GET /guests/{id} Find registered guests by id 200
POST /rooms Create a new room 201
POST /guests Create a new guest 201
POST /login Create a new admin account 201
PUT /rooms Change room information 200
PUT /guests Change guest information 200
PATCH /rooms/available/{id} Turn room into available 200
DELETE /rooms/unavailable/{id} Turn room into unavailable 204
DELETE /guests/{id} Delete guest from database 204

Room's body

  "name": "Standard room 2",
  "description": "2 confortable beds, tv and a beautiful beach view ",
  "roomType": "STANDARD",
  "pricePerNight": 750.00


  • id - generated automatically
  • name - the room name
  • description - describe important informations about the room
  • roomType - enumerates Strings that can be one of those: "STANDARD", "MASTER" or "DELUXE"
  • pricePerNight - the cost per night of the room

    Guest's body

      "name": "John",
      "cpf": "12345678910",
      "checkinDate": "2023-04-15T06:32:09.663Z",
      "checkoutDate": "2023-04-15T06:32:09.663Z",


  • id - generated automatically
  • name - the guest name
  • cpf - Cadastro de pessoa fisica (unique) (only 11 characters)
  • checkinDate - the time you checked in
  • checkoutDate - the scheduled time for checkout
  • roomId - the room id that was assigned

    Technologies used

  • Java JDK (17.0.6)
  • Spring Boot (3.0.5)
  • Maven
  • PostgreSQL
  • Flyway
  • Swagger


    Thank you for taking the time reading this project. I hope that the information presented 
    here was helpful. If you have any feedback or suggestions, please feel free to reach out to me!