
A very simple helper to log errors using hook plataform.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A very simple helper to log errors using hook plataform.

ToDo List:

  • A Observer/Route helper to customizing errors in the server-side.
  • A User Interface to better viewing/filtering errors in a timeline-like graph.

How to use it ?

Here some examples of how use all it's functionalities.

Instantiating and some configurations

This helper should be loaded after hook-javascript. The exceptions will be at the hook.Client instance.

var hook = new Hook.Client( [...] );

// Setting configuration to the helper.
hook.exceptions.setConfig( [...] );

Putting limits

Use the config property logLimit to limit the amount of errors sent to the server per pageview. By default, it is unlimited.

Also, you can set to the helper using the config property keepErrors to save all errors in an Array located at HookInstance.errors. By default it is false.

    hook: [...],
    // Limits error logs sent to the server up to 30
    logLimit: 30,
    // Tells the helper to keeps all errors in an array inside the HookExceptions instance.
    keepErrors: true

Ignoring some errors

Here you have freedom to tell who is the guys that you don't want to log to your server. Using the method ignoreOnMatch you can use either a RegEx or a Function for that.

The difference between using a RegEx and the Function parameters is that a RegEx only matches to the error message and to the stack information. But passing a Function you have access to all information the the event onerror provides, making it better for complex decisions.

// This will ignore all errors of the kind "Cannot read property 'x' of undefined"

// This one ignores all errors that come from the file my-safe-script.js
hook.exceptions.ignoreOnMatch(function (errorMsg, url, lineNumber, columnNumber, errorReference) {
    if (url.search('my-safe-script.js') > -1) {
        return true;

Adding extra information

You may want to log some extra information to be logged with your error, as a session token, UserAgent or a commithash.

    hook: [...],
    extraInfo: {
        // This adds a commitHash to all errors log.
		commitHash: '788df27b84c445bcf60ac5bf01326e03d36697b9',
		// This add a variant value to the error log. Taking its value at the error moment.
		currentScore: function () {
			return Game.score;

