
dl-api javascript client.

How-to build

$ npm install -g grunt-cli bower
$ npm install
$ bower install
$ grunt

Simple Usage

DL.Client is the entry-point for using dl-api.

You should instantiate a global javascript client for consuming dl-api.

window.dl = new DL.Client({
  url:   "http://local-or-remote-dl-api-address.com/api/public/index.php/",
  appId: 1,    // your app's id
  key: 'test'  // your app's public key

After that, you're free to instantiate collections

  title: "Post name",
  summary: "My awesome new post",
  stars: 5

And filter then, using where

var c = dl.collection('posts');
c.where('author','Vicente'); // equal operator may be omitted
c.where('stars','>',10);     // support '<' and '>' operators
c.then(function(result) {

API Docs

For a more complete documentation, check the API reference.

To build and publish the docs:

make publish-docs