Book that will be written to help in LPIC 2 certification

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Hello everyone! This project will be a book for the LPIC - 2 certification. I will make a good and always free material for everyone.

The book wil contain some notes about what i had difficult and other important details. The first version will be released in Portuguese and then other version will be released in English. Remember that this is an Open project, so, if you want to help me, feel free.

Oi pessoal ! Esse projeto vai ser um livro completo e sempre gratis para a certificacao LPIC 2, ele ira conter minhas notas e coisas que eu tive dificuldade e talvez voce tenha tambem. Vale lembrar que e um projeto Open, entao se quiser ajudar fique a vontade : )