Install activator and put it in your system's PATH
export PATH="${PATH_TO_ACTIVATOR}/activator-1.3.2-minimal/:$PATH"
Clone the repository and add the configuration files to the conf folder. After that run:
activator run
This will run using the conf/application.conf configuration
Create an account in the app with company name "Wazza" and an application called "Demo"
Launch mongod and run on another sh:
mongo localhost:27017/dev modules/analytics/app/bootstrapAnalytics.js
The folder ops contains scripts related to running Wazza locally (using a generated executable instead of activator) and all the deployment tasks. All scripts must be executed on the ops directory.
To start the wazza executable simply run:
python ${WAZZA_FULL_PATH}/conf/application.conf
Inside the ops directory there is a folder called deployment. This folder contains scripts that generate the packages to deploy to EC2 and Elastic Beanstalk. To run the deployment tasks simply do:
cd deployment
python ${WAZZA_VERSION} # example: python alpha
To run on production mode run:
sudo nohup ./wazza/bin/wazza -Dconfig.file=/${PATH_TO_CONF}/application.conf -Dhttp.port=disabled -Dhttps.port=9443