
Mobile app for "Hóquei Clube Penafial" team. Software Labs Project (2019)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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"Hóquei Clube Penafiel" Mobile Application

Software Labs Project 2018/19, Computer and Software Engineering Course @ University of Minho, Braga - Portugal

This mobile app is being developed using React Native and Redux.

Web App version can be found here, although this is a private repository.


Hugo Oliveira
Hugo Oliveira
Raphael Oliveira
Raphael Oliveira
João Vieira
João Vieira

Create a new Odoo module gestao_equipas_app

# Activate Virtual Environment
source ~/.virtualenvs/hcpwebapp/bin/activate
# Assuming that you have the "gestao_equipas" folder in the following directory:
ls $HOME/hcp-1/addons
# Assuming that you want to have "gestao_equipas_app" folder in the following directory:
ls $HOME/hcp-mobile/hcp-server-dependencies/addons

# Create gestao_equipas_app module
odoo scaffold gestao_equipas_app addons

Install the gestao_equipas_app module

# Run Odoo with specific addons
odoo --addons-path=~/.virtualenvs/hcpwebapp/lib/python3.6/site-packages/odoo-11.0.post20190616-py3.6.egg/odoo/addons/,$HOME/hcp-1/addons,$HOME/hcp-mobile/hcp-server-dependencies/addons
  • Access Odoo Web Interface and install new module:
    • Login as Admin
    • Go to 'Apps'
    • Remove the 'Apps' filter on the search bar
    • Update Apps List on left side panel
    • Search for your new module > "gestao_equipas_app"
    • Click on it and install the module