
Icecream-shop with ReactJS

Primary LanguageJavaScript


URL Live: Icecream-shop

Packages used:

  1. create-react-app - (Create React App Template)
  2. nodemon - (server rerun)
  3. express - (create server)
  4. eslint - (es6 lint helper)
  5. react-router-dom - (react router system)
  6. redux, react-redux - (react api)
  7. redux-thunk - (ajax request with react actions)
  8. mongoose - (Object Data Modeling for MongoDB)
  9. bcryptjs - (password encryption)
  10. express-async-handler - (show async errors in api calls)
  11. jsonWebToken - (generate Token Password)
  12. dotenv - (using environment variables)
  13. react-paypal-button-v2 - (paypal integration button)
  14. multer - (manage upload files)

Tools used:

  1. ReactJs - (v17.0.1)
  2. NodeJs - (v14.15.0)
  3. MongoDB Compass - (v1.23.0)
  4. Postman - (v7.36.0)
  5. NPM - (v6.14.8)