ant compile
ant jar
ant test
The following Projects/Libraries are included in this project:
- JxBrowser for Java based HTML Frontend handling:
- Console Launcher for JUnit tests:
- Junit5
Since the GitLab upload does not allow to upload files of bigger sizes (like the jxbrowser dependency) please make sure
- to include these dependencies into the lib folder of the project
- to add the dependencies to the classpath
- the dependencies should be still available from the last submission (prototype)
- just to be sure we will also upload the project as a zip as last time
In order for the tests to work please to the following (description based on Eclipse):
- right click on the project -> Build Path -> Add Libraries... -> Auswahl JUnit -> JUnit5 (Current Location ...) -> Finish
- to login use the following credentials:
- username: Testuser
- password: est
- in order to create a new Order, first a new Customer needs to be created
- the Customer will not be saved in the background (since this was not the task), but the customer will be added visually
- then click on Neuer Auftrag in the Customers row -> the Order view will be loaded
- here you can add new Materials, Machines, Working Hours and their respective costs.
- if you click on Speichern the Order will be saved in the background
- if you click on Angebot ausformuliert the costs will be inserted into a template
- if you go back from here the saved Order will not be loaded back into the Order view (since this was not the task)
- for your convenience a couple of Customers and Materials,Machines,Working Hours will be there by default.
At the moment a little workaround is used to load new HTML views. Before a new view is loaded, the google search page will be loaded for a second. This can be ignored. The reason is, that without this inbetween-load the application gets stuck. Since no support was found for this issue, a new StackOverflow post was created for that. For more details of this problem see here:
- The PDF with the tests is included in the codebase as Abgabe_Übungsblatt3.pdf
- additionally it is also uploaded on Ilias
- for the jxbrowser it was necessary to get a licence renewal
- every jxbrowser file and the licence is in the lib folder now
create a report: click the dropdown of the runMain-button -> Run configuration -> choose tab Arguments -> type in "report" in the field below Program arguments -> click Run -> close application -> refresh the project in Eclipse -> Report.txt is created in the top project folder -> Reports can have a filename by typing in the field below Program arguments "report filename" -> there is a report in the program by default with the filename Report.txt
to login HR users use following credentials:
- username: TestuserHR
- password: est
- click 'Submit'
- HR View is opening
in order to create a new user type a 'username' and 'password' in the line 'Add user:', then click 'Add'
- user is going to appear in the list below
- user can be deleted by clicking on the 'Loeschen' button (DON´T delete Testuser and TestuserHR otherwise login is going to be impossible)
- to leave the HR view close the program
to edit an order click 'Bearbeiten'; then same process as you would create a new order
- 'Loeschen' button is working now after access by clicking on 'Neuer Auftrag' button or 'Bearbeiten' button ('Bearbeiten' button is only there if an order has already been created)
offer and order are using the same interface
- save and edit an order: offer interface is opening
- print out an order after saving it by clicking on "Ausdrucken" Button
- add an optional delivery address where the input data of an offer is located