JJG-ServicesAlerter is a software written in Python designed for alerting you when one or more of your services are down. It will message you by email attaching the last logs but also it will write on InfluxDB, so you can visualize in your Grafana Dashboards is there is any problem with your critical services. In addition, this software will also try to restart the services that are down.
Rename the config example file:
cp config.sample.yaml config.yaml
Edit it and make it work for you. It's important that you fill correctly the email settings. Otherwise, it won't work properly.
Add the services need in the config file.
NOTE: If you set "criticality" to "0" it won't send any email. Just write on InfluxDB.
Execute it and test it:
python3 main.py
Additionally you can create some cron task, so it will run automatically.