CZ3004 MDP Image Recognition

This repository contains the codes using in my CZ3004 Multi-disciplinary Project AY2019-20 Semester 2. This repository mainly focuses on the image recognition part as that was the part I was tasked with. Nevertheless, the codes that were used for the Rapsberry Pi are included as well.


  • assets: images used in this repository
  • rpi: Contains the codes for the communication between the various subsystems
  • src: Contains the codes for the image recognition system
  • requirements.txt: dependencies included for the image recognition


Running the code below on command prompt or shell will automatically install all the necessary python packages needed for the program.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Running the Program

Make sure to create the following folders/directories:

  • raw - raw images sent from Raspberry Pi will be saved here. Facilitates debugging.
  • processed - Images that the program detected will be saved here. You must create this as the program will look for images in this directory to plot them out.

After creating these directories, run the following code on command prompt or shell to start listening to images sent from the Raspberry Pi.

cd src


You can download the images that I collected and trained on here.