
Various C++ image processing functions

Primary LanguageC++


Various C++ image processing functions

Gimp Supersampling Plugin

The folder GimpPlugin/ contains a plugin for Gimp that upscales images while preserving edges.
The algorithm is from G.Freeman and R.Fattal (2010) : www.cs.huji.ac.il/~raananf/projects/lss_upscale/
You can find precompiled binaries here : https://github.com/oPinon/ImageProcessing/releases/tag/1.0

Current Functions :

  • Image filtering (blur, adaptive histograms..) using a fast method (updating the borders of the kernel)
  • Image Upscaling (Gimp Plugin, and standalone C++ versions)
  • Image extrapolation / interpolation using a Neural Network


Currently uses LodePNG to import/export images