# Pre-requisites This program is writen using JavaScript with React js runtime environment. So you need to install it first. install react js environment in your computer # Prepare the program Assuming that you have already clone the repository on your local machine, you need to install some dependancies first before trying to run the program. To install dependancies, you need to open the folder of the program into a terminal and run the following command: using npm # npm install using yarn # yarn install After that, all dependancies of this program will be installed. 😊 # Running For run this project you can run this command using npm # npm run start using yarn # yarn start # Usage The steps to run the program are on the first page that will be displayed. ##### "First (1) you click on the Add File button Then (2) select your files and click OK. ##### Finally (3) you click on Generate and download the result."
this is a React js application that will allow us to annotate these files in order to bring out their CPA CTA CEA with wiki data and FoodOn for my semantic web course