
adidas group API design guidelines

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adidas API Guidelines

Guidelines for API design at adidas (Read online at GitBook)


The goal of this document is to facilitate the work and minimize the effort of all API users while protecting their investment and encouraging API adoption.

The guidelines lay down the foundation for collaboration, stability, and extensibility.


The API Guidelines are split into several levels:

  • Core Principles

    Core Principles define the general rules that MUST be followed at throughout the full API lifecycle at any level.

  • Functionality Guidelines

    • Protocol level

      Protocol guidelines define the protocols used within the organization.

    • Message level

      The Message guidelines define the structure and semantics of messages used to exchange information.

    • Application level

      The Application guidelines define the definition and use of application-specific semantics.

  • Quality Guidelines

    Evolution and Execution guidelines define the rules for achieving the desired architectural qualities of systems.

    • Evolution

      Evolution qualities governance, such as testability, maintainability, extensibility, and scalability.

    • Execution

      Execution qualities governance, such as security and usability.

How to read the Guidelines

These Guidelines are available for online reading at GitBook its source can be found on GitHub.

The CAPITALIZED words throughout these guidelines have a special meaning:

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC2119.

Refer to RFC2119 for details.

Questions & Comments

Please contact Zdenek.Nemec@externals.adidas-group.com in the case of questions.