Lamp Post Intranet

Primary LanguageJavaScript


LPG intranet mockup.

- User base sign-in/register with google-oauth(omniauth) & devise
- News/Event postings (editable by AdminUser)
- Employee listing
- All in Google's Material Design with Polymer


* gem 'devise'
* gem 'omniauth-google-oauth2'
* gem 'bower-rails'
* gem 'emcee'

Link to site:


To get the app going:

- Will need to setup google developer account and get GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET
- bundle install
- rake db:migrate
- for polymer/bower/material design(emcee gem) run: rails g emcee:install
  - any new polymer/material design elements go in app/assets/components
- for the forum run: rails g forem:install
- for the cms run: rails g comfy:cms
-then youre good to go