Back-end Authentication Project Overview This project focuses on implementing back-end authentication features to enhance the security of the application. Authenticated access ensures that only authorized users can interact with sensitive data and functionalities. Resources Read or Watch: What Is PII, non-PII, and Personal Data? Logging Documentation bcrypt Package Logging to Files, Setting Levels, and Formatting Learning Objectives By the end of this project, you should be able to explain the following without external assistance:
Identify examples of Personally Identifiable Information (PII). Implement a log filter to obfuscate PII fields. Encrypt a password and validate an input password using the bcrypt package. Authenticate to a database using environment variables. Requirements Interpreter/Compiler: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS with Python 3.7 File Format: All files should end with a new line. Shebang: The first line of all files should be #!/usr/bin/env python3. A mandatory file at the root of the project folder. Coding Style: Use pycodestyle style (version 2.5). Executable: All files must be executable. File Length: The length of your files will be tested using wc. Documentation: All modules, classes, and functions should have documentation. Documentation should be a real sentence explaining the purpose of the module, class, or method. Documentation length will be verified. Type Annotations: All functions should be type-annotated.