
Personal dotfiles

Primary LanguageShell



  • setup_mac.sh sets up most things but is very fragile
    • avoid casks , pkg/dmg there's no way to differentiate between architectures
  • create_symlinks.sh adds custom utility scripts to /usr/local/bin/


  • sources leave in here and are symlinked to the appropriate directories upon creation
    • updates should only be made in .dotfiles
  • my_scripts is to be used for small utility scripts which are added to the apth by running the script mentioned above
    • to xem you just need to prepend my_ to the filename without the extension
  • dev is where code projects live


  • most of the 3rd party tools were installed with homebrew but there is a big change in their hierarchy for M1 machines , brew --prefix now points to /opt/homebrew with binaries in bin and Kegs in Cellar
    • the installation script is not backward compatible with intel machines


  • The main Python is alised to Homebrew and pip uses python -m
  • There are only a handfull of packages installed at system level and virtualenvwrapper is used to keep things tidy; venvs live in dev/venvs
    • jupyter has a standalone environment
    • each venv should inherit from the system level python by using --system-site-packages and the goal is to have major subenvironments for different type of projects (e.g data science, ai, web) to avoid the unecessary installation of shared packages
      • in the past you've symlinked, but virtualenvwrapper as an utility add2virtualenv which uses .pth files to change the sys.path. Theoretically we could then install other versions of packages in child environments simply by specifying the version or we could just use pip install -U to upgrade to the latest version. However, even though the package is installed , the parent's path is (very oddly) added at the start which means that the parent's packages will supersede the child's.
      • to use different jupyter for different kind of projects we use ipiython kernel install --user --name=<project name> to create a kernel tailored to the venv instead of installing jupyter in each project