Liquidator Bot


This is a liquidator bot for DeFiner. Anyone can use this liquidator bot to automatically liquidate accounts who's debtValue/collateralValue exceeds a certain value. A user can specify what kind of tokens it wants to spend to liquidate other accounts, then the liquidation process will spend that kind of token to repay others debt in the same token, and buy the collateral of the target account at a discount.

Why Use Liquidtor Bot

Every user can borrow an amount of tokens regarding its collateral value and initial LTV for each token.

A user can keep borrowing as long as:

But the tokens' prices are fluctuating, when the borrowed token's prices become too high, we may have this condition in borrower:

And if the borrowed token's price keeps rising, it may be:

So this account is at high risk of not repaying its debt, we allow any one to liquidate this account. As for incentive, the liquidator will be able to buy target account's collateral at a discount of 5% off.


Assume USDT and DAI are both of price 1.

  • Before liquidation:
    • User1:
      • Deposits: 100 USDT
      • Loans: 90 DAI
      • LTV: 0.9, liquidatable
    • User2:
      • Deposits: 100 DAI

User2 tries to liquidate user1.

  • After liquidation:
    • User1:
      • Deposits: 100 - 85.7 = 14.3 USDT
      • Loans: 90 - 85.7*0.95 = 8.6 DAI
      • LTV: 0.6, not liquidatable
    • User2:
      • Deposits: 18.6 DAI, 85.7 USDT



Env Variables

You can create a .env file and take the template of .env.example to make your customized settings. If some fields are not specified, it will adopt the default values.

Name Description Default Value
GAS_STATION_URL URL to use api to get the newest gas price
GAS_PRICE_UPDATE_FREQUENCY_MILLI_SEC How frequently to update the gas in milliseconds 5000
GAS_INITIAL_PRICE Initial gas price in gwei 25
GAS_PRICE_MULTIPLIER The mutilplier for gas price. 1
LIQUIDATE_INTERVAL_MILLI_SEC How much time do we wait after one liquidation round 10000
LIQUIDATOR_TOKEN What token liquidator use to liquidate other accounts. ETH
PROVIDER_TYPE Provider type, privatekey or mnemonic privatekey
PRIVATE_KEY Should specify if use privatekey provider NULL
PUBLIC_KEY The public key that the user trying to use NULL
USER_MNEMONIC Should specify if use mnemonic provider NULL
ACCESS_NODE_URL Your access node's URL NULL
ACCOUNT_NUM How many accounts to get for one round 1000

Run from Docker

  • Require install docker
  • Run: docker run \ -e ACCESS_NODE_URL=YourAccessNode \ -e PRIVATE_KEY=YourPrivateKey \ -e PUBLIC_KEY=YourPublicKey \ dongyongguaige/liquidator-bot:first-version

Build from Source

  • Download this git repo: git clone
  • Install dependencies: npm i
  • Go inside this directory: cd liquidator-bot/
  • Create a file called .env in the root directory. You can check the last section on instructions about how to create that file.
  • Run the liquidator bot: ACCESS_NODE_URL=YourAccessNode PRIVATE_KEY=YourPrivateKey PUBLIC_KEY=YourPublicKey ts-node src/index.ts
  • You can find logs inside: logs/ directory



I have tests for each module of the system, but run some tests will be little difficult. It will require you to deploy DeFiner's protocol locally first, which is not open sourced yet. Here I have this screenshot of successfully run all the tests.