Discord Interaction Manager

This module helps manage interactions Discord.js interactions.

(async () => {
  const client = slash(new Client({intents}))

  // Optional: Register slash commands directly to a guild
  // Optional: Handle interaction failures manually
  client.setErrorHandler(interaction => {...});

  await client.login(process.env.DISCORD_TOKEN);

Commands are defined with a name, description, handler, and options builder.

const SayHelloCommand = Command.create(
  "Say hello to someone",
  interaction => {
    const member = interaction.options.getMember('member');
    interaction.reply(`Hello `${member}`);
  builder => builder
    .addUserOption(member => member
      .setDescription('Member to mention')

Commands can also have subcommands. Subcommands have a similar definition.

const MediaCommands = Command.createWithSubCommands(
  "Control the media player",
  new Subcommand(
    "Resume the media",
    interaction => {...},
    builder => {...},
  new Subcommand(
    "Pause the media",
    interaction => {...},
    builder => {...},

Buttons only require a CustomID pattern and an handler.

const CreateVoiceChannelButton = new Button(
  interaction => {...}

Bots can include buttons on messages and replies.

await interaction.reply({
  content: "User wants to create channel",
  components: [
    new ActionRowBuilder<ButtonBuilder>().addComponents(
      new ButtonBuilder()
        .setLabel(`Create ${newChannelName}`)

This module currently only supports slash commands and button interactions. More support for other interactions may be added in the future. Contribution is welcome.