Joe's Home Automation

What I can do with autmation / What I plan to do

  • ✔️ Presence detection
  • ✔️ Detect weather in the morning and let me know if it'll rain
  • ✔️ Home monitoring and text notifications on motion
  • ✔️ 3D printer integration through octoprint + notifications
  • ✔️ Control of bed time routine, turn off devices/lights
  • ✔️ Control of none smart RF devices such as air cooler/old tvs (Broadlink rm mini 3)
  • ✔️ Make the house seem smart with lots of voice based notifications in all rooms (Google home minis everywhere)
  • ✔️ Toggle day night mode easily
  • ✔️ Use Home assistant time inputs to set morning alarms
  • ✔️ When im sat at my pc and sophie gets home, tell m
  • ✔️ Integration with phsyical buttonse
  • ✔️ Add news to the morning routine speakers
  • ✔️ Install a peep hole with a camera behind it pointing out the front door, instead went for a camera mounted to front window pointing at door
  • ✔️ Use a none smart doorbell and a broadlink rm mini 3 to enable smart stuff on press, ended up using a pi with a 433mhz reciever to get his
  • ✔️ One click button for swapping to day/night mode
  • ❌ When motion on camera pause all media playing and swap to input source for cctv monitoring live (This is done but want to get motiond detection perfect before I roll out)
  • ❌ Smart lights in all rooms
  • ❌ Smart locks on main entry doors
  • ❌ Alarms on all doors windows through zigbee2mqtt and cheap xaomi devices
  • ❌ Use smart plugs to monitor power consumption of devices to detect faults/status (i.e. on fridge we could detect abnormal energy usage)
  • ❌ Use smart plugs to monitor power consumption of devices to detect states on none smart devices (i.e. we could use it to see whenthe dishwasher is using abornal amount of power, we'd know it was running)
  • ❌ Physical light switches for all rooms
  • ❌ RGB Lamp to show what bin should be out next
  • ❌ Bathroom automatic shower music