
A small Node.js Web API that works with Azure AD v2.0 to accept and validates access tokens.

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A sample demonstrating how to protect a Node.js web API with Azure AD v2.0 using the Passport.js library.

Node.js Web API with Azure AD v2.0

This sample demonstrates how to protect a Node.js web API with Azure AD v2.0 using the Passport.js library. The code here is pre-configured with a registered client ID. If you register your own app, you will need to replace the client ID.


File/folder Description
AppCreationScripts Contains automation scripts for Powershell users (can be safely removed if desired).
process.json Contains configuration parameters for logging via Bunyan.
index.js Main application logic resides here.
config.js Contains configuration parameters for the sample.
.gitignore Defines what to ignore at commit time.
CHANGELOG.md List of changes to the sample.
CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md Code of Conduct information.
CONTRIBUTING.md Guidelines for contributing to the sample.
LICENSE The license for the sample.
package.json Package manifest for npm.
README.md This README file.
SECURITY.md Security disclosures.

Steps to Run

  1. Clone the code.
git clone https://github.com/Azure-Samples/active-directory-javascript-nodejs-webapi-v2.git
  1. Make sure you've installed Node.js.

  2. Install the node dependencies:

npm install && npm update
  1. Configure your environmental parameters:

    1. Open config.js.
    2. Replace the string "Enter_the_Application_Id_Here" with your app/client ID on AAD Portal. e.g. 21312343-2323121-34342-32311
    3. Replace the string "Enter_the_Metadata_Endpoint_Here" with your OpenID Connect metadata document url on the AAD Portal. e.g. https://login.microsoftonline.com/<Tenant ID or Name>
  2. Run the Web API! By default it will run on http://localhost:5000

npm start

Next Steps

The /hello endpoint in this sample is protected so an authorized request to it requires an access token issued by Azure AD v2.0 in the header. In the rest, we will discuss how to protect and expose this API on Azure AD Portal.

Note: The application that is calling this web API also needs to be registered on Azure AD Portal and configured accordingly. Please refer to the documentation on how to Configure a client application to access web APIs.

Exposing your API

Select the Expose an API section, and:

  1. Register your application on Azure AD Portal.
  2. Make a note of your clientID.
  3. On the right side menu, select Expose an API.
  4. Select Add a Scope.
  5. Enter your scope information:
    1. Name your scope as demo.read.
    2. Under Who can consent? section, select Admins and users.
    3. Fill admin consent display name and admin consent description as you like (this will appear on the consent screen to end users informing them what the API does).
    4. Fill user consent display name and user consent description as you like (this will appear on the consent screen to end users informing them what the API does).
    5. Under state section, select Enabled (this will add a state parameter to communication between the API and client app and is encouraged for security).
  6. Back on Expose an API page, click on Add a client Application.
    1. Add the Client ID of the application that will call this web API.
    2. Click on Authorize scopes checkbox, then click Add application on the bottom.
  7. You are all set. After you configure your client application, you will be able to call this web API.

For more detailed instructions discussing the steps above, please refer to the document on how to Configure an application to expose web APIs.

Questions & Issues

Please file any questions or problems with the sample as a GitHub issue. You can also post on StackOverflow with the tag azure-active-directory. For OAuth2.0 library issues, please see note below.


If you'd like to contribute to this sample, see CONTRIBUTING.MD.

Code of Conduct

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact opencode@microsoft.com with any additional questions or comments.